Monday, January 12, 2009

Rants and Raves and Manners

OK, I admit it, I'm something of a dinosaur - I still read the newspaper (you know, it's made out of paper, contains news and other stories, comics, sales inserts, etc). Some might question the logic - why pay for something that you can read for free online? And ya know what? I would agree with that logic on a purely unemotional economic level. But for some reason, I just need to hold the paper in my hands. Granted, I can no longer sit around and read it without interruption (having kids will do that to you) but I can pick it up and read bits throughout the day, time permitting.

The Sunday Seattle Times runs a "Rant & Rave" column, and one of today's Rants was about inconsiderate theatergoers who use phones during movies. I agree 100% - if you are going to watch a movie, turn off your phone, put it away, and enjoy the movie! If you are expecting an important call, or need to be available to talk to your babysitter or stock broker or pet rock, fine, just make sure you know how to set your phone to silent mode/vibrate, and take your call OUTSIDE in the hallway. Please? Is that too much to ask?

But what really got me about this Rant was the closing: "Adults should know better and parents, please teach kids manners about the right place and time for electronics use."

Amen! You would think adults should know better, and you would hope parents are still teaching kids manners. I know, I know, we live in a different time, technology has marched on, most kids would boggle if I broke out my old Sony Walkman - you know what I speak of - it's about the size of a Buick, and plays TAPES for crying out loud! But come on, people, just because we have cell phones and bluetooth headsets and iPods doesn't mean we are granted the right to be an ass in public.

I think a lot of kids pick up bad habits from their parents. If mommy and daddy call/text/do the Google in places like movie theaters, it must be OK. I would be mortified if any of my kids grow up to be rude and inconsiderate brats. And I'm not just talking about texting at the movies - I'm talking about everyday life.

Don't make a cashier wait while you gab on your phone. Say 'thank you' when a server refills your drink. Hold the door open for the next person behind you. Let a fellow motorist merge into traffic in front of you. Hell, let two or three drivers merge in front of you. What's that going to set you back, 5-10 seconds? Get over yourself already. We are all busy in our own ways, but I'm no more important than the next guy, even if the next guy is a clod-kicking hillbilly who talks on his cell phone during a movie.

I'm not talking about following Miss Manners' playbook to the letter, I'm talking about simple common courtesy. It seems like a lapse in our collective common sense is causing us to lose sight when it comes to treating others the same way you want to be treated. People who are innately rude probably won't ever change, but the rest of us can do the best we can, in particular setting the example for our kids.

I guess that's why I'm fairly optimistic about our future - if we see each other acting civilized, it sets the example. And if we pass along common sense and common courtesy to the next generation, maybe people will stop using technology as an excuse to act like an asshat, and start acting a wee bit more civilized. Well, I can hope, anyhow.

Oh, and I'm not lumping all teenagers and twentysomethings into the "stoopid kids and their stoopid phones" lot - I've met quite a few of these younglings who are more socially aware than I ever was at that age. But it seems like the age-old demon of peer pressure and the "but everyone else is doing it" excuse continues to hold sway over better judgement.

Rant mode off. Time for bed!

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